'This is my Official Remastered Wisp Fashion Frame. Pick out your favorite look towards the end of the video! Let me know in the comments down below which one spoke to you the most. Make sure to smash that Like button | Comment down below | & hit that big red Subscribe button and I\'ll see you in the next video! You Are Invited to Join The Discord: https://discord.gg/VQeDWEYvZ9 If you wish to support the channel you can here: http://paypal.me/ggirl2020 Skin Used: 405 plat Tennogen Bundle XLV Collection includes: Wisp delusion skin, Oberon youkai skin, and Baruuk bedouin skin. Wisp delusion Skin ONLY: 165 plat Song used: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/kreedvs04/promise Colors used: A: P - Classic - C5 R16 S - Classic - C2 R16 T - Classic - C1 R18 A - Fire- C2 R4 EM - Infested - C5 R6 (Both) EN - Eximus - C1 R2 & Fire C2 R6 B: P - Classic - C2 R16 S - Classic - C5 R16 T - Twilight - C4 R7 A - Fire - C5 R4 EM - Infested - C1 R6 (both) EN - Fire - C5 R3 & C4 R5 C: P - Classi - C4 R16 S - Classic - C3 R7 T - Classic - C1 R18 A - Tenno - C5 R8 EM - Eximus - C1 R9 (Both) EN - Fire - C2 R3 (Both) If there\'s any games that you wish for me to play let me know in the comments below! Platform: PS4 IGN: GGirl2020 Need more dose of fashion? Check this playlist out: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkWNzc2gaXhdmX3r8tLAb7I2BhY6Qggnc Follow my Socials Chickens! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ggirl2020yt/ Discord: https://discord.gg/VQeDWEYvZ9 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ggirl2020'
Tags: fashion , warframe , fashion frame , wisp , Wisp Fashion Frame , GGirl2020 , Warframe cinematic , Akarius , Wisp Delusion Skin , Acceltra , Dex Fakra , Tennongen bundle XLV , Wisp delusion helmet
See also: